I've really been struggling with intense bouts of anxiety and fear about money on and off my entire adult life. I originally chose a career in Social Work, the lowest paying profession in the country, and often found myself living from paycheck to paycheck. If only my education as a child included learning to cope with fear of not being able to pay my bills! I could have been equipped to handle a tight budget. Instead, there were times when I felt like I couldn’t breathe from worry. When I left my salary in social work and committed to earning my way as an intuitive healer and solopreneur, I knew I would need encouragement from spirit to stick with my plan. In fact, I don't know if I would have had the guts to move forward without constant reassurance from the divine realm. In this blog post I will share my experiences with angels so you can trust that the angels will be there to guide you when you need them most. Leaving the safety net of a regular paycheck was and continues to be a huge challenge, but being able to perform my life's work by being in service is worth every moment of worry. I never know when or from where exactly the money is going to come in each month, but thankfully it comes. And it seems to flow more freely when I release, surrender, and let go. The key to living a happy, serene life is letting go of expectations. I always admire free spirits for so many reasons. They are experts at letting go. Letting go is FREEDOM. These people are so dialed in to being present they don't worry about the future. Successful spiritual healers and teachers are deeply rooted in faith in a higher power. I am absolutely NOT a free spirit, but I'm working on getting there. I believe the spiritual experience is like a rubber band. I have moments or days feeling the abundance of the universe, like I'm soaring. I think to myself, I made it! I finally rid myself of the fear of not having enough. I finally trust that I will have everything I need to be okay. Then I take my car in to get fixed and I have to pay $2000 in repairs. Boom. Fear leaps back into my heart within a split second. When it comes down to it, surrendering your fears is a skill that can be learned. I'm committed to mastering this skill so I can know what true spiritual freedom tastes like. I'm often asked to define the concept of angels. From my perspective, angels are celestial entities whose mission is to help humans lead happy and peaceful lives. I was raised in the Jewish faith and was taught that angels are messengers of God. This resonates with me because I have a strong faith in God. But angels aren’t only for believers in traditional religion. I believe that all of us can evolve, expand our awareness and fully embrace the certainty that we are truly not alone on this planet. Can you imagine what it would be like if we could see the angels and loving spirits every day and we could hear them talking to us? Reassuring us that everything would be okay in the end? Showing us that there is so much more to our existence than the physical plane? In the meantime angels respond to our anguish with signs. We just need to learn how to recognize them! For example, angels communicate with us by revealing repetitive number patterns. Most people notice 11:11 first, usually because they happen to look at the clock precisely at that time on more than one occasion. The trick is that the angels get us to look up at that moment. That's how you'll know you're not making it all up. Noticing angel numbers and understanding their meanings is a lot easier than trying to hear the angels speak to you directly unless your intuition is off the charts. Shortly after I developed my intuitive gifts I came to the realization that I didn't want to be a therapist anymore. It was my life's purpose to be an intuitive healer full time. But I couldn't see how I would be able to make enough money doing it to support myself. I needed little nudges of encouragement in order to fully believe that I would become successful. When I reached a level of intense dissatisfaction at my last job, I started to see the number 69 everywhere. My phone number has a 69 in it, there was a 69 on my license plate, and as I drove to and from work each day I noticed 69s on other license plates. I randomly parked in front of houses numbers that were labeled 69. I bought items that were x amount of dollars and 69 cents. I became friends with a woman at my CrossFit gym (of all places) who told me that angels communicate through numbers. She referred me to a website, www.joannesacredscribes, posted by Joanne Walmsley, an expert on angel numbers. According to Joanne, angel number 69 means that, "The angels are asking you to 'let go' and 'release the old'. It is a message that reassures you that whatever leaves your life will be replaced with something 'new' and 'better'...Angel number 69 also suggests that an important phase or cycle is ending in your life for very karmic reasons. These necessary endings and closures will lead you to find your true path and purpose which the angels are prompting you to fully undertake. Your angels encourage you to get to work on your divine life purpose and soul mission safe in the knowledge that all of your monetary and material needs will be met along the way. As you focus on and spend your time, energy and efforts on your spiritual interests and passions, the universe will provide for your needs. Give any fears or concerns to your angels for healing and transmutation and be prepared to live your spiritual truths". Boy, did that resonate at the time! It was an awesome reminder that I was being guided along my path. Every time I saw that number I felt safe and held by the angels. I read that the angels will send more angel number patterns your way once they have your attention. I was reaching the end of my rope at the agency I was working at and saw no end in sight. One night when I was despairing, a car with the license plate 777 pulled out right in front of me. Then I started seeing 777s everywhere. The meaning according to Joanne is that it was time to reap rewards for my hard work. I was able to leave my job about 6 months later. I'm from Rochester, New York, home of Kodak and trash plates (a trash plate is a pile of artery clogging delights on a plate). I was planning on living in Rochester for the rest of my life, even though I wanted to live under a therapeutic light box so I could cope with the long, gray winters. A year into my practice as an intuitive healer, my cousin Emily, who is more like a sister to me, revealed that she and her family would be moving to Boulder, Colorado. I was absolutely devastated. When they left, I literally felt like a huge piece of me was dying. In an effort to console me, Emily suggested that I move out to Boulder as well. She thought it would be a great place for my business. But Boulder is the land of kombucha and honey! It's a mecca for healers of all shapes and sizes. I thought I would be competing with a million psychic mediums, while in Rochester my gifts were fairly unique. At the same time, I was becoming really skilled at manifesting. I learned that if I told the angels I desired something and let it go completely, I would get what I wanted. So, I told the universe I wanted to travel between Rochester and Boulder, spending large chunks of time in each place. I decided to visit Emily and give readings at a psychic fair outside of Boulder. When I arrived, I saw number patterns 22, 55, and 555's everywhere. According to Joanne, these numbers mean that monumental changes would be taking place and everything would be okay. One of the meanings of 22 is that the most ambitious dreams would come to reality. The psychic fair was slow, but I intuitively knew that the fair would open many doors for me and I would experience financial abundance as a result. A few minutes later I gave a reading to Clay McCaw, an actor and producer who was searching for a medium to be in his docuseries. He enjoyed the reading and offered me the position! I moved to Boulder a few months later, and I've been able to go to Rochester every two or three months for a few weeks at a time. My wish was fulfilled in the most miraculous way! Packing up and moving my practice to Boulder was terrifying. I was so fearful that I wouldn't be able to support myself after my contract for the documentary ended. Joanne says that Number 444 means that "your connection with your angels and the angelic realm is very strong at this time. You are encouraged to continue on our current path as your drive and determination will lead to success and fulfillment". Wouldn't you know that the three-digit central office code for many businesses in Boulder County is 444? I kid you not. I'm going to continue share other ways in which the angels attempt to insert themselves into our physical reality. In the meantime, if you're looking for signs that the angels are connecting, all you have to do is ask!